#now granted. once she’s mind controlled that would likely break her connection to Gotham in which case
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leatherforhell · 2 years ago
not to mood swivel but I cannot stop thinking abt Clara getting mind controlled
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lyricalremedy · 7 years ago
I Hope Not (Jerome x Reader) Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
This is it: this is the last part of my ‘short’ story. I won’t be able to post on Tumblr for awhile, so I wanted to give you all the ending. Thanks to all readers for your support! And warning: too much cute.
You’re safe now. Everything’s okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.
When I awoke, I found Jerome cuddling me. He would often do that when he had nightmares.
My eyes felt heavy, and when I touched them, the skin had definitely swelled from sobbing before falling asleep. That was probably the worst part about crying myself to sleep.
Jerome looked so peaceful in his sleep. Quite the contrast from the insane smile he wore on the news. He’s changed so much in so little time. Every time I saw him on tv for some heinous crime, I almost couldn’t recognize him. If it hadn’t been for the news anchor repeatedly saying his name I would’ve assumed it was some other ginger psycho. Often, I missed the old Jerome. The sweet and kind Jerome.
Remembering that I had four mouths to feed, I tried escaping Jerome’s clutch. I forgot that he’s a light sleeper.
“Mornin’, doll,” his voice came out as a whisper.
“Good morning, Jerome. I was just about to go make breakfast. Any requests?” As I turned my back to him and slid toward the edge of the bed, he pulled me back to him. His arms stiffened. He didn’t plan to let me leave.
“I have to go.” Each word hit my neck, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I knew he would have to leave eventually. But now, I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye.
I grabbed one of his hands and held it. “I wish you wouldn’t.”
A long silence followed. Neither of us knew what to say. What words could possible convince Gotham to let Jerome and I stay together?
Suddenly, he laughed. “I would kill for some sausages and eggs.”
He always knew how to take the seriousness out of a situation.
“Sausages and eggs, coming right up!” I kissed his hand before crawling out of bed. As I walked out of the room, I could feel his eyes watch my every footstep. It wasn’t because he wanted to see more of me. No, he was trying to remember these moments, in case we never have another.
I was actually surprised to find sausages in the freezer.
When I first went out into the kitchen, I found Penguin sleeping on the couch. Those boys must have been tired after being on the run. As soon as the meat starting cooking, though, Penguin’s head popped up from behind the sofa and Jerome came walking in from the hallway.
I finished frying the eggs and asked Jerome to take down some plates, which he hastily did once he found them. The growl from his stomach told me why.
To my surprise, Penguin cleared off the table last night after the… ‘incident’. Granted, the food sat on the counter getting cold, but that could be dealt with later. I was just grateful to have a table to seat my two guests and one daughter at. Speaking of which…
“Have either of you seen Abigail this morning?”
“Who?” Penguin asked.
“Her daughter, idiot,” Jerome replied.
“Well, sorry I don’t care,” Penguin snapped back. “I’ve never liked children.” His expression said otherwise, but I didn’t want to get involved in that.
“Okay, well, I’ll go get her. Jerome, could you please set the table?”
I left before I even let him answer. I needed to have a talk with my daughter.
“Abigail,” I said into her door. I rapped a few times. Still no reply. She was ignoring me, but my house, my rules. I opened the door.
The curtains closed off the natural light. Her bed was already made, a sign that she was, in fact, awake. I entered and immediately walked toward the closet. Light shined from beneath the door. Carefully, I turned the knob.
Abi sat in her ‘safe space’. Pictures of her family and her favorite song lyrics hid the wall’s color. Her books remained untouched on the shelves. Only her blanket had been moved from its folded position on the floor. It now covered Abi’s tiny body, head to toe.
I took a seat next to her. This closet was meant to give her complete solitude. With a capacity of one, I thought she would feel trapped, but she insisted it made her feel in control of her own world. Her world smelled mainly of lemon and lavender. An odd combination, but relaxing nonetheless.
She didn’t stir, but she knew I was near. “Abi,” I whispered. I took her silence as permission to continue. “I’m sorry if my friend scared you. He’s not really that bad.” Stretching the truth in this situation wasn’t the best idea, but as fragile as she is, I couldn’t risk breaking her. “You know, Jerome’s mother wasn’t a very kind woman. In a way, he understands what it’s like to feel alone. But he didn’t know how to handle his situation. Not like you do. I think you could really help him, if you give him a chance.”
“He hurt Seth, didn’t he?” Abi asked.
I had no choice but to say, “Yes. Seth won’t be showing up here anymore.” She gave herself a hug. “I’m not happy about Jerome’s behavior either. But we’ve been friends for years, and I’d hate to lose him now.”
An eye appeared from under the cover. “You can just forgive him like that? Even after hurting someone you love?”
“I know, kid. I don’t believe it either.”
Abigail and I whipped our heads up to see the man in question standing in the doorway. He had his usual smile as he leaned against the frame.
He stared into my eyes then glanced to Abi. “Mind if I join the group session? This one seems much more interesting than the ones at Arkham.”
To my surprise, Abi nodded her head. Jerome walked in, and Abi climbed onto my lap. For a closet for one, it barely occupied two, let alone three. But Jerome didn’t seem to mind the close quarters with my little girl. That, or he just enjoyed being so close to me.
“So you had a mean parent, too?” Abi’s bravery never ceases to amaze me.
“Yeah,” he looked to me for guidance. He wanted to know the limit of this topic. I only nodded for him to continue. “She would stay up late after a show, drinking heavily and… doing other awful things.” I hid a sigh of relief. Glad to see he can handle children. “One of those awful things was beating me. She would boss me around while she enjoyed herself.”
“What about your daddy?” Abi asked. I was never able to connect with her as well as she needed. Maybe Jerome’s visit wasn’t so terrible.
“She lied about who my father was. He had actually been travelling with us in the circus and didn’t tell me the truth until I was 18.” Jerome’s eyes said it all: the pain, the loneliness. Everything he had felt in his life. “But, this story ends happily.” Oh no. I stared at Jerome, but he only smirked at my fear.
Please don’t mention murdering your mother, I tried saying with my glares.
“Your mommy here saved me.” Jerome finished. Abigail turned to look at me, smiling. But I could only stare in awe at Jerome. He also had a wide grin.
I love him. I don’t think there’s any other words to describe what I felt. My heart pounded, suddenly realizing just how close we truly were. Our faces not even a foot away. I wanted to kiss him right there. And he knew it.
Abigail pulled my ear to her mouth. Whispering was still a bit difficult for her at her age, so it was no surprise that Jerome laughed when she ‘whispered’, ���Kiss him.”
Shocked by her words, I turned to Jerome. He only shrugged. Of course he approved. I hesitated before leaning toward him. He, on the other, saw the opportunity and went for it at full force. The kiss sent shivers down my spine. Jerome moved his hands to my face and pushed himself closer. One of my hands stayed curled around Abigail, but the other ran its fingers up his shaven head until they reached his hair. His hands moved from my face to the back of neck. I could feel him deepening the kiss further, and as much I wanted to let him dominate the situation, the presence of a minor still sat on my lap.
I gave Jerome a light push. He looked at me with exaggerated disappointment. When I nodded my head toward Abigail, he followed my motion and looked at her. Jerome stuck his tongue out at her, causing a giggle to escape from her. He covered Abi’s eyes and stole one more quick kiss from me. I laughed at his childish ways. This wasn’t exactly what I meant when I wished for a man who could connect with my daughter.
“Well, breakfast is done if either of you are hungry,” Jerome said. He stood up to leave. Abigail wiggled around on my lap in an attempt to get up. Jerome bent down and hoisted her in the air, spinning her in a circle. She may have been laughing, but her head just about hit the door frame.
“Careful, Jerome,” I scolded. He set Abigail back on the floor and grabbed my hands. With an unnecessarily strong pull, he hauled me onto my feet and into his arms. I nodded my head in thanks. “Now, let’s get some food. I’m starving!”
Jerome’s POV
Abigail bolted out of her room toward the kitchen. I still held Y/N. I hadn’t lied about leaving, and now that I’ve gained her daughter’s acceptance, walking out would be much more difficult.
Without young eyes watching us, Y/N complied with my need to hold her. “You know, we could be a family.” Y/N’s words shocked me. I had killed what little family I had. Could I really be part of a family? A life as a convict certainly wouldn’t help.
“I would like that,” I replied. Then, she squeezed my torso in the special hug that I’ve always loved.
The hug that said, You’re safe now. Everything’s okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore.
Penguin’s POV
I looked at the child before me at the table. How long were those two going to leave me with this creature?!
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